International House of Light
“One earth, One home, One International House of Light!”
(Business Plan by Lizbeth Peralta)
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY_________________________-
The Elevator “Pitch”
COMPANY OVERVIEW__________________________
Mission Statement
We are the International House of Light! In the face of violent racist extremism by those trying to make their culture/race the world’s managing standard, severe cultural appropriation, the influx of refugee’s from the “third world,” large class division between the races & the nations, The International House of Light seeks to lessen the gap and build bridges of protection, safety, and community, for artists all around the world, so that not only will they receive services that which will protect their and their family’s creations, but will be connected to a venue, a community café of sorts, that which will allow for them to showcase their works. A welcoming place, open to the community, with a capitalist design, for music, art, food, dance, and legal protections, so that they are reaping the fruits of their enLIGHTenment instead of a white appropriator feeling entitled to all the light/profits, turning them into refugees/servants/slaves. A full service restaurant, bar, bookstore, coffee shop, events venue, and international law firm, located in every major city in the world. A home for everyone around the world, in almost every metropolis in the world. We are The International House of Light. Call me Mom.
A place in which art from around the world adorns the walls-artists visas provided to artists from around the world, a type of scholarship-exchange program. A chance for artist to not only receive legal protection, but a chance to easily share their art in all the metropolis’s in the world. All proceeds from sold artwork go straight to artists.
Principal Members
Lizbeth Peralta- Start-Up Founder. Currently only founder and only partner. Soon to be licensed lawyer in the District of Columbia. Hold a background in Accounting, Real Estate, and International Relations.
Looking for a Future Partner in Equity. Will you be my partner?
Legal Structure
To be determined once Capital is raised and partners in equity are established.
Values Statement
Vision Statement
Goals and Objectives
The Story
Key Performance Indicators/Critical Sucess Factors
SWOT Analysis
Market Segmentation
Thinking Green
Zero carbon emissions
A consistent goal and objective to reach a carbon footprint of zero.
Three stage strategy to think about and tackle.
Input (source material)
How can we use fewer raw materials in selling and creating our food?
Only buy from green/organic/fair trade or local retailers.
Only buy from retailers that pay a fair wage to employees.
Be aware of energy of energy it takes to make a product or offer the service (fuel/gas/water).
Reduce consumption
Use and purchase only electric vehicles
Have an electric charging station on site
Install/invest in solar panels..
Well insulated/weather conscious design for buildings used.
Effects of product after Purchase
Use only biodegradable or recyclable materials.
Can the packing/recyclable items be returned for a $1 or so?
After all trash be in separate containers-
Waste reduction strategies
Energy efficient lights
Energy star efficient appliances
Only hire employees who can bike, walk or who own electric vehicle. Will be a question when hiring.only hire employees who meet such criteria. Can ride with a friend who has an electric vehicle.
Hire employees who live near.
Obtain sustainability credentials
Find green journals and environmentally concious magazines along with advocacy group and speak with them regarding hiring and green practices.
Jean-Noel Kapferer’s Brand Identity Prism
List Advertising Campaigns
Posters at key cultural & historical events with QR code providing free tickets or to register in a contest for free items/concert/events.
Pokémon go. Capturing key areas on your phone with picture will then register you. A type of
Pricing Strategy/Game Theory
Sales Methods
FINANCIAL REVIEW ___________________________
Income Statement
Balance Sheet
Cash-Flow Statement
Game Theory
RISK REDUCTION______________________________
Write Risk Assessment&Risk Impact Probability Chart then make a plan of action
Insurance Comparison
Legal Compliance /Discrimination/health&Safety/Intellectual Property
BUISNESS OPERATIONS _______________________
Premises and Structure
Possible premises:
Georgetown-Washington DC
1629 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington DC, 20009
2,900 Square Feet
Patrick Kain
1303-1305 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington DC, 20009
5,900 Square Feet
Additional 8,160 feet available for office/storage/efficiency studios.
$18,000 a month
Peter Mallios
1729 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington DC, 20009
6,757 Square Feet
Alex Alperstein
(301) 795-4966 ext. 1
1259 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington DC, 20009
2,500 Square Feet
Anthony Caffo
Day-to-Day Running
Profit Forecast
Cash Flow Forecast
ACTION PLAN_________________________________
Create/design Website
Domain name obtained
Business registration
Article of Incorporation
By Laws
Certificate of Occupancy
Corporate Registration (If Applicable)
DC Health Inspection Report
Tax Registration
Fee- Restaurant – 1-10 seats = $599.50 / 11-50 seats = $722.70 / 51-100 seats = $844.80 / 100+ seats = $968.
EIN number obtained
Green Certificates
Food Handler Certificates